Coghlans 1170風暴火柴:防風和防風火柴這些軍事級防水防風火柴會在大雨甚至潮濕的時候燃燒! 防水火柴是專門為英國國防部開發的,並得到了北約的認可。 這些Coghlans防風火柴專為在所有極端天氣下採光而設計,可承受沉浸在水中,因此非常適合極端條件和生存環境。
- 非常適合防暴雨露營或作為救生裝備
- 超長浸漬的頭部即使在強風中也會燃燒。
- 火焰燃燒約10秒鐘。
- 使用時,火柴必須摩擦在容器的撞針表面上。如果表面變濕,請在使用前擦乾。
* 20個/桶
軍事級防暴風雨火柴 Windproof and Waterproof Coghlans 1170 Storm Matches - NATO approved
Coghlans Storm Matches Windproof Waterproof Stormproof Survival Emergency
Brand New, Original Package, Sealed Box. Brand New.Description:
20 Pc Coghlans Storm Matches Windproof Waterproof Stormproof Survival Emergency New !!
This matches are great for storm proofs camping or as a survival kit
Extra long impregnated head that burns even in strong wind.
Flame burns for approximately 10 seconds.
Striking surface at the top and on the bottom of container.
Matches must be stuck on striker surface of the container. If surface becomes wet, wipe dry before using.Features:
Wind/water-proof storm matches
Repair and miscellaneous parts
Burn in heavy rain and even while wet!
Designed to light in all extremes of weather
Match can withstand immersion in water and cannot be extinguished by wind, making it the ideal match when out in harsh conditionFeatures:
* 20 Matches/container
* Wind/water-proof storm matches
* Repair and miscellaneous parts
* Burn in heavy rain and even while wet!
* Designed to light in all extremes of weather
* Match can withstand immersion in water and cannot be extinguished by wind, making it the ideal match when out in harsh condition.
Quantity: 20 matches per tub