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  • 這種袖珍型起火器在戶外時可以成為救生員。
  • 它帶有內置的前鋒刀和鎂燃料,可在潮濕或有風的條件下營火。當火柴和打火機出現故障時,可提供出色的備用點火功能。防水且易於使用,只需產生火花即可點燃鎂並享受著火。
  • 鋸齒狀刀刃,用於製作鎂屑
  • 易於包裝和攜帶在您的旅行包或背包中
  • 全長火石產生熱火花
  • 可以點燃潮濕的可燃物質





野外緊急點火器 防水防潮 Waterproof Magnesium SURVIVAL Fire Starter

庫存單位: 819682011217
$15.97 一般價格

    Magnesium Flint Fire Starter - Survival Firesteel Blocks with Striker, Camping Emergency Equipment

    This pocket-sized fire starter can be a lifesaver when outdoors.

    This comes with a built in  striker knife and magnesium fuel to start campfires in wet or windy conditions.  Excellent backup for lighting a fire when matches and lighters fail. Waterproof, and easy to use, just create a spark that lights the magnesium and enjoy your fire. 

    Serrated blade edge for making magnesium shavings
    Easy to pack and carry in your go bag or backpack
    Full-length flint for making hot sparks
    Can ignite damp combustible materials

    Blade length (in.) 3 in.
    Product Height 3/8 in.
    Product Length 3 in.Product Width 1 in.
    Altogether, the firestarter weighs only 1.8oz.


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